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NBTE introduces mandatory skills qualification for polytechnic students

The National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) has introduced a Mandatory Skills Qualification (MSQ) as a graduation requirement for all newly reviewed National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) curricula.

This move is aimed at bridging the gap between formal education and industry needs by providing individuals with practical skills relevant to the job market.

According to the NBTE, diploma holders will now graduate with a National Skills Qualification (NSQ) or its equivalent, as an additional certification.

The NSQ is a certification system designed to assess and recognize the skills and competencies of individuals in various fields.The MSQ is a requirement for all diploma programs and must be attained before graduation.

The dual certification of obtaining both an NSQ and an ND in Nigeria offers several benefits, including increased employability, versatility, professional recognition, and career progression.

The NBTE aims to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their chosen fields.

The introduction of the MSQ is expected to significantly enhance employability, provide a competitive edge in the job market, and open doors to career advancement opportunities.

The phased introduction of the MSQ takes into account the limited skills training facilities in polytechnics.

Assessors will play a vital role in this process, evaluating the quality of education and training provided in various technical and vocational fields.

The NBTE has emphasized the importance of quality assurance in ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs.

The agency has also noted that several challenges, including skill shortages, a mismatch between industry needs and training, and a lack of synergy between industry, government agencies, and TVET institutions characterise Nigeria’s technical manpower situation.

With the introduction of the MSQ, diploma holders will be better equipped to meet the demands of the job market, leading to increased employability, career advancement, and economic growth.

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