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Namibia Court Declares Same-Sex Acts Constitutional, Nullifies Colonial-Era Laws

A High Court in Namibia on Friday declared as unconstitutional two colonial-era laws that criminalised same-sex acts between men.  The historic court ruling on Friday has been held as landmark and a significant victory for the LGBTQ community in Namibia….

Namibia emerges first to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission in African

Namibia has become the first country in Africa – and the first high-burden country in the world – to reach a significant milestone on the path towards eliminating vertical mother-to-child transmission of both HIV and viral hepatitis B. This was…


Namibia president Hage Geingob dies at 82

Hage Geingob, the president of Namibia, has died at the age of 82. Geingob died at the Lady Pohamba Hospital in Windhoek, Namibia’s capital city, according to a statement from Nangolo Mbumba, acting president. Geingob revealed in January that he…