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Bannex Plaza

Bannex Plaza: Nigerian Civil Society Condemns Attack on Security Operatives

The Nigeria Civil Society has condemned the incessant attacks on Nigerian Military and security forces, describing it as a dastard and condemnable trend that can trigger anarchy, unrest and national security destabilization. At a press conference on Thursday, in Abuja,…

We shut Banex plaza to probe attack on soldiers, says army

The Nigerian Army says the popular Banex plaza in the Wuse 2 area of Abuja was temporarily shut down to enable the arrest of the hoodlums who attacked two soldiers at the complex. On Saturday, there was pandemonium at the…

Nigerian Soldiers Lay Siege To Banex Plaza In Abuja 3 Days After Clash With Traders

The traders who feared that there would be a reprisal from the soldiers hurriedly closed their shops to avoid being caught up in the melee. A large number of soldiers have continued to lay siege to the popular Banex Plaza…