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Association of senior civil servants dismisses $1bn fraud allegations

The Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, ASCSN, has described as baseless, frivolous and false allegation that over $1billion of the Union’s funds have been embezzled.

Recall that a group that goes by name Nigerian Anti-Corruption Defenders Network, has alleged an embezzlement of $1billion between 2012 and 2022 when Comrade Alade Bashir Lawal was the Secretary-General of the Association.

However, sources said a disgruntled former official of ASCSN is behind the fabrication of the allegations in an effort to unsettle the Association.

In a statement, ASCSN Secretary-General, Comrade Joshua Apebo, enjoined its teeming members throughout the country and the general public to discountenance such unfounded wild allegations.

According to the statement, “How much did the Union generate as check-off dues between 2012 and 2022 when Comrade Alade Bashir Lawal was the Secretary-General that he embezzled $1billion?

“It is only in Nigeria that a faceless group like the so-called Nigerian Anti-Corruption Defenders Network could make such unfounded allegation to impugn the character of innocent citizens and get away with it.

“There have been various publications detailing Nigerians owning property in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Comrade Lawal’s name never featured in any of them.

“Besides, how can it really be expected that Comrade Lawal, an accomplished economist and expert investor who started his career in the Nigeria Railways in the 1980s, had a distinguished career in the civil service to wit: National Bureau of Statistics before he joined the Association and ultimately became the Secretary-General in 2012 not have a roof over his head in Lagos?

“Certainly, there must be a limit to irrationality on the part of those bent on destroying the Association because of their inordinate ambition, greed and impunity.”


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