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Woman alleges doctor removed her womb without consent

A Lagos doctor, Ayelaje Joseph, has been accused of removing a woman’s uterus without her consent at Holyfill Hospital in Ikorodu.

The patient, Mrs. Okeafor Suzan, claimed she visited the hospital for fibroid removal but was not informed that her uterus would be removed.

According to Mrs. Suzan, she met with Dr. Joseph on February 16, 2024, and was prescribed medication to alleviate her symptoms. However, she alleges that Dr. Joseph scheduled a surgery to remove her uterus without her knowledge or consent.

After the surgery on March 29, 2024, Mrs. Suzan discovered that her uterus had been removed.

She claims that Dr. Joseph told her that it was part of their agreed-upon plan, but she never signed a consent form and did not request the removal of her uterus.

Mrs. Suzan alleges that the hospital failed to provide pre-counseling or post-counseling about the removal of her uterus and only discovered the truth after asking to see the removed fibroid, which was not shown to her.

The incident has sparked concerns about medical ethics and patient consent.

The hospital has yet to comment on the allegations, while Dr. Joseph claims that Mrs. Suzan gave consent due to having had two previous children.

However, Mrs. Suzan maintains that she did not give consent and is seeking justice for the alleged medical malpractice.

As the matter unfolds, it remains to be seen what actions will be taken against Dr. Joseph and Holyfill Hospital for this alleged breach of medical ethics and patient trust.

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